
RPA Publishes Updated Technology Whitepaper

PMG Labels Team • August 8, 2023

An Industry Guide to Available and Emerging Technologies to Identify, Monitor, and Track Reusable Packaging for a Digital Supply Chain

PMG Labels is thrilled to announce our contribution to the latest whitepaper by RPA‘s Technology Working Group (TWG).

This comprehensive 100-page report explores the use of connected and data-transmitting assets to revolutionize the modern supply chain, identifying, tracking, and monitoring reusable transport packaging (RTP) in commercial operating facilities.

Part of the TWG collaboration

As part of the TWG collaboration, RPA member companies, including PMG Labels, have brought their expertise in information technology to the forefront, advancing smart reusable packaging initiatives. Since the original report in 2019, significant technological advancements have emerged, making it more cost-effective to apply innovative software and devices to RTP.

Rob Franzo, Consulting Director and Retail Logistics System Architect at Qualcomm Technologies Inc., and TWG chair, led this exciting project. “The broad expertise of committee participants who contributed to the project allowed us to cover a wide range of topics and include unique perspectives drawn from real-world experiences.” said Franzo. This whitepaper will serve as a valuable resource for businesses considering technology deployment in their operations and lay the groundwork for demonstrating the digital possibilities with reusable packaging systems.

We´re proud to join these partnership

PMG Labels is a member of the Reusable Packaging Association (RPA) since 2022. We are always looking for more ways to get involved, and so we are thrilled to announce that PMG Labels has made a valuable contribution to the Product & Applications Tracking Industry Solutions!

Brand Secure System for tracking (pages 49-51)

Our expertise is highlighted in the section „Brand Secure System for Tracking“ on pages 49-51, where we delve into the innovative technology behind our Brand Secure System.

Case study (pages 57-59)

Furthermore, PMG Labels proudly present a compelling case study example on „Industry – Product and Application Tracking: Reusable Assets for Leading German Auto Parts and Auto Parts Suppliers“ (pages 57-59). This real-life scenario showcases the immense value of our solutions in optimizing processes for auto parts suppliers, leading to greater efficiency and enhanced product and application tracking.

We are delighted to be a part of this industry-focused initiative and look forward to continuing our commitment to providing cutting-edge solutions for product and application tracking.

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